Corn spaghetti for those who suffer of celiac desease is a tasty option to not renounce at a spaghetti meal. Vegetable and grains balls, instead meatballs, if you obviously are vegan and want only have in your plate a funny little "things", red, rounded, and sooooo tasty. So now, let's cook our foodie lunch...or dinner!!
For the spaghetti corn:
50g corn spaghetti
a little, just enough, grated ginger
2 tsp gomasio or mixed seeds
1 tsp grapeseed oil
fresh basil
For the balls:
50 g oat flour
1/2 beetroot cooked
1 tsp hemp flour
1 tsp gomasio or mixed seeds
1 tsp grapeseed oil
fresh basil
First of all cook the balls. In a blender mix all the ingredients and whisk them till they are well combined. The consistance will be those of a smooth, solid cream. Put a pan on the medium heat and dirty with a bit of grape seeds oil, give with a tsp the ball shape and pour one at the time, cook 1 minute for side till they are crispy on the surface. Set aside.
Boil in a pot the water, cook your spaghetti, meantime grate the ginger, cut the fresh basil, mix in the gomasio, the salt and oil. As soon the pasta is ready drain, mix all the ingredients together,rests on top your balls and give a generous sprinkling of gomasio or mixed seeds on top. Finish with some fresh basil and some drops of oil!
Buon Appetito!!

Boil in a pot the water, cook your spaghetti, meantime grate the ginger, cut the fresh basil, mix in the gomasio, the salt and oil. As soon the pasta is ready drain, mix all the ingredients together,rests on top your balls and give a generous sprinkling of gomasio or mixed seeds on top. Finish with some fresh basil and some drops of oil!
Buon Appetito!!