The summer is the right season to eat this amazing main dish:
Whole wheat pasta with raw yellow bel pepper sauce
Fresh, light, this amazing sauce is made with only a few ingredients
- 1 yellow bel pepper ( or whatever you most prefer )
- water ( enough to cover the bel pepper in the food processor )
- a pinch of salt
- 3 big leafs of fresh basil ( and or whatever herbs you most prefer )
- 1/2 tsp of curry ( and or whatever spices you mostprefer )
- 2 Tbsp extravirgin olive oil
Rinse, cut and remove the seeds and the green part from the bel pepper, chop and transfer in the food processor. Rinse the fresh basil leafs, chop it and pour in as well. Add the salt, curry, and oil. Lastly the water, enough to cover all the ingredients. Blend all for circa 1 - 2 minutes. If the sauce is too fluid cut another half bel pepper and whisk until smooth. If you desire a creamy consistance put another Tbsp of olive oil. Done!
Now you can pour it on your pasta, cold, in order to mantein the freshness of this sunny taste plate.
Buon Appetito!!
#belpeppersauce #vegan #vegetarian #wholewheatpasta #freshbasil #healthyfoodcookmarket
Salty chickpeas and butternut squash muffin
You can eat this muffin portion for your bruch, lunch or dinner.
- 200g chickpeas flour
- 100g butternut squash
- 300ml water
- leek
- 1 tsp curry powder
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
- 1 tsp ground hemp seeds
- 1 tsp baking powder
- salt
- 1 Tbsp grape seeds oil
- soy sauce
- broccoli florets
Preheat oven 175°.
In a bowl add chickpeas flour, curry, cinnamon, hemp seeds, baking powder and salt, stir and combine well. Add the other ingredients: the grated butternut squash , the chopped leek, the oil and the water. Stir again and combine. Oil a muffin mold, put the batter inside, set aside. Meanwhile steam the broccoli flower, then season them with salt, grape seed oil and soy sauce. Garnish with the broccoli the top of the muffins, and sprinkle some hemp seeds flour, and a bit of grape seeds oil. Bake 25' - 30'.
#vegan #butternutsquash #broccoliflorets #soysauce #saltymuffin #muffin #baked #healthyfood #healthy #healthyfoodcookmarket #london


The Portobello mushrooms are an ideal meal to feel Satisfied with vegetables; marinated chopped tofu and the mushroom pulp. Topped by a vegan homemade mozzarella cheese and everything you need is ready to be consumed. This is a single dish complete and nourishing.
- 2 giant champignon or button mushrooms, or two of your portobello mushrooms
- a handfull of peas
- a handfull of spinach
- 100 g ( or more ) firm tofu
- nuts free sticky cheese, on top
- scrumble of spelt bread
- or gluten free bread
scoop out the interior of the mushrooms, and use the pulp together with the
vegetables for the filling. Cook the peas, spinach and tofu together, seasoned
with soy sauce, salt, oil, oregano and spices of your choice. Fill the
champignons, pour the cheese on top and the crumbled bread, use a gluten free
bread if intolerant. Bake for circa 25' or until bread and cheese are golden on
top. Let it cool a bit. Serve.
- Suitable for vegan, vegetarian. gluten free, dairy free.
#vegan #healthyfood #healthy #portobellomushrooms #filledmushrooms #veganmozzarella #vegetables #peas #healthy #healthyfood #healthyfoodcookmarket #london


Gluten free, oat flour, cheddar cheese, savoy cabbage, rocket salad, coconut spread. taste These amazing salty muffins. It's possible fill it with a tomato slice and a basil leaf.
- 200g oat flour
- 100g cheddar cheese
- 150g savoy cabbage
- 50g rocket salad
- 70g coconut spread
- salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven 180°C.
Mix the flour, baking powder and salt, stir. Steam the savoy cabbage until tender, let it cool. Pour the flour in a blender together with the savoy cabbage, the cheddar, the rocket salad, the coconut spread, blend until well combined. Pour the batter in an oiled muffin mold, bake 25' - 30' or until golden brown.
#vegetarian #glutenfree #vegetables #cheddarcheese #steamedvegetables #muffin #saltedmuffin #oatflour #savoycabbage #healthy #healthycook #healthyfoodcookmarket #london


Eat tofu for someone it's boring and flavourless but, if you try this recipe you'll want eat tofu everyday. 400g of firm tofu filled with leek, rocket salad, carrot, and mushrooms. Baked and ready to eat, and enjoy!
- 1 package firm tofu
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 5 tablespoons water
- 3 tablespoons corn starch
- 1 carrot
- 1 shiitake mushrooms
- a handful of arugula
- leek, chopped
Use a firm tofu package, marinade for 30 ', with soy sauce, oil, lemon juice,
corn starch and water. Bake in a pan, on wax paper, 175 °. Turn it upside down
every 5 minutes.
Divide into two parts tofu and empty; be careful not to remove all the
Place the stuffed tofu in a small bowl, pour the shiitake, leek, and some
arugula, salt and soy sauce; mixture. Fill the two pieces.
In a pan with water to cook the julienne of carrot, leek, a little 'chopped
arugula, water, soy sauce and the remaining stuffing, if you have it; only at
the end add the oil. Add the tofu pieces and cook, covered with a lid, for 10
'over medium heat, mix with a little' of water and soy sauce, seasoned with
salt, if necessary.
- Suitable for vegans, vegetarians. Gluten free, flourless, dairyfree.
#vegan #glutenfree #dairyfree #tofu #filledtofu #vegetables #stirvegetables #healthy #healthycook #healthyfoodcookmarket #london


The chickpeas loaf is an amazing meal, ideal for all the family, and for those who aren't vegan, as well. It's so tasty and healthy, and with a green salad as a side is a complete nourishment for your first part of the day. You can storage in the fridge for 1 - 2 days, the day after it will be more, and more Yummy!!! Enjoy!!!
- 250G chickpeas
- 100g green kale
- 2 medium carrots
- 1 long red bell pepper
- 2 Tbsp hemp seeds flour
- 2 Tbsp grape seeds oil
- 2 Tbsp flax seeds flour + 5 Tbsp warm water
- leek
- salt
- curry powder
- fresh basil leaves
- soy sauce
for the red sauce:
- organic tomato concentrate ( enough to cover the loaf )
- oregano
- grape seeds oil
- soy sauce
Soak the chickpeas overnight. Cook them until very tender and drain well. Cook the green kale until tender. as well. Rinse, peel and cut the carrots.
Place the chickpeas in a blender and blend till well crushed, take the 2 Tbsp of flax seeds flour + 5 Tbsp of warm water and set aside circa 15', when solidified add to the crushed chickpeas together with hemp flour, oil, salt, curry powder; blend again and set aside in the fridge.
Now wash, rinse and cut, the long red bell pepper, and remove all the seeds you'll find inside of it. Cut in finelly long slices and then cut it in half, cut the leek, and wash some fresh basil leaves, more others to garnish.
Season the bell pepper and the kale with some soy sauce and combine well with the chickpeas, and the carrots.
It's time to assemble the loaf:
In a plumcake mold, place a gently oiled parchment paper, cover with a first layer of chickpeas, al least 5 cm high, then spread the kale, all of it, and cover with the other chickpeas layer. Sprinkle some hemp seeds flour, and use some fresh basil leaves, or, in alternative, spread the red sauce with the fresh basil. To prepare the red sauce you'll only combine and mix all the ingredients.
Put the loaf in the oven 180° - 30' - 35'
#vegan #glutenfree #dairyfree #healthyfood#chickpea #chickpeasflour #chickpeasloaf #healthy#carrot #soysauce #london #morning #leanbody#skinnygirl #skinny #lean #stayhealthy #staylean #healthyfoodcookmarket
Quinoa and savoy cabbage balls
( low carb )
These super healthy and low carb balls are your perfect meal to be in shape without any craving of food. Quinoa, egg, savoy cabbage are perfects for those who make workout but also for those of you want to stay lean and be simply healthy. You can sobstitute the quinoa with the wild rice, or the millet, the egg with the ground flax seeds, for a vegan option, the savoy cabbage with whatever leafy green you love. So, let's do it!!
- 100g cooked quinoa
- 120g cooked savoy cabbage
- 1 egg ( for the vegan version 1 Tbsp ground flax seeds + 3 Tbsp warm water )
- pink salt
- 1 tsp curry powder
- 1 tsp grape seeds oil
- 1 Tbsp ground hemp seeds
Cook the quinoa, set aside. Place in a small pan with 2 cup of water. Cook it very well.
Chop the savoy cabbage in a food processor, cook it in a pan for about 10', drain and set aside.
Mix quinoa and savoy cabbage, the egg, or vegan mixture, salt, curry powder and the oil.
With an ice cream spoon grab a quantity of mixture and give it a ball shape; place on a baking sheet covered with lightly oiled parchment paper, sprinkle the ground hemp seeds on top, a little oil, and bake for about 20' - 25', or until the balls will be golden brown. Serve accompained by a vegetable salad, and enjoy this simple and healthy food.

#vegan #vegetarian #quinoa #hempseeds #lowcarb #glutenfree #quinoaballs #egg #flaxseeds #healthycook #stayhealthy #staylean
Raw sushi
- a handfull of broccoli florets
- 1 medium zucchini
- 1 medium carrot
- nori seaweed
- basil
- soy sauce
- salt
- 1/2 of a lemon juice
Rinse, cut and peel the broccoli, zucchini, carrot and basil. Marinate the broccoli and half of the zucchini in a mix of
water, soy sauce, lemon juice,and salt, for 2h.
Cut in vertical slices the remaining zucchini, and the carrot, season with salt, basil and , if you like, flax seeds meal.
After the 2 h with a blender reduce the broccoli and zucchini in cream, adjust of salt if needed. Blend intermittently.
Put down on a work surface the nori seaweed, spread the veggies cream, then the veggies sticks; roll the nori
seaweed and compose the classic maki. Cut in pieces and accompany with the soy sauce. Optionally you can season
the veggies cream with herbs and spices, and add some sticks of avocado, sprinkled with lemon juice.

#vegan #raw #rawvegan #vegetables #sushi #vegansushi #carrots #zucchini #soysauce #noriseeds #roll #healthyfood
Sweet potato and bell pepper savory muffins
So delicious! The versatility of the sweet potato is amazing, sweet or salty it's one of the best food you may eat! The salty muffin it's funny, tasty and you can substitute the ingredients with whatever else you most like! The sweetness of the bell pepper meets the flavour of the sweet potato, what else!!
- 1 sweet potato
- 1 medium bell pepper
- 1 egg beaten ( optional )
- 1 tsp baking powder
- pink salt
- 1 Tbsp grape seeds oil
- 1 tbsp chickpeas flour ( optional )
- 1 Tbsp hemp seeds (or ground hemp seeds)
Preheat the oven 180°C. Rinse, peel and cut the sweet potato, cut in pieces and steam until tender. Rinse and cut in little cube the bell pepper. Reduce in puree the sweet potatoe, add the raw bell pepper, the beaten egg, if used, the baking powder, salt, flour, if used, and blend all the ingredients until well combined. Fill a muffin mold with the mixture, sprinkle on top the hemp seeds and a drop of oil. Bake 25'.

#vegan #vegetarian #sweetpotatomuffin #saltymuffin #healthy #bellpepper #sweetpotato #healthyfoodcookmarket
Corn spaghetti for those who suffer of celiac desease is a tasty option to not renounce at a spaghetti meal. Vegetable and grains balls, instead meatballs, if you obviously are vegan and want only have in your plate a funny little "things", red, rounded, and sooooo tasty. So now, let's cook our foodie lunch...or dinner!!
For the spaghetti corn:
50g corn spaghetti
a little, just enough, grated ginger
2 tsp gomasio or mixed seeds
1 tsp grapeseed oil
fresh basil
For the balls:
50 g oat flour
1/2 beetroot cooked
1 tsp hemp flour
1 tsp gomasio or mixed seeds
1 tsp grapeseed oil
fresh basil
First of all cook the balls. In a blender mix all the ingredients and whisk them till they are well combined. The consistance will be those of a smooth, solid cream. Put a pan on the medium heat and dirty with a bit of grape seeds oil, give with a tsp the ball shape and pour one at the time, cook 1 minute for side till they are crispy on the surface. Set aside.
Boil in a pot the water, cook your spaghetti, meantime grate the ginger, cut the fresh basil, mix in the gomasio, the salt and oil. As soon the pasta is ready drain, mix all the ingredients together,rests on top your balls and give a generous sprinkling of gomasio or mixed seeds on top. Finish with some fresh basil and some drops of oil!
Buon Appetito!!
#healthyfoodcookmarket #vegan #vegetarian #cornspaghetti #beetrootandoatsballs

Boil in a pot the water, cook your spaghetti, meantime grate the ginger, cut the fresh basil, mix in the gomasio, the salt and oil. As soon the pasta is ready drain, mix all the ingredients together,rests on top your balls and give a generous sprinkling of gomasio or mixed seeds on top. Finish with some fresh basil and some drops of oil!
Buon Appetito!!
#healthyfoodcookmarket #vegan #vegetarian #cornspaghetti #beetrootandoatsballs

Today I have had on my table this spring plate with the beautiful colors of the sun, the zucchini ( or Pumpkins ) flowers, filled with a cream of tofu, with onions and mushrooms, I had the king oyster mushrooms from my local asian supermarket, but you can choice wathever you like. Zucchini flowers are that kind of food you can cook basically with everything the only limit is your fantasy. Is rich in water and 100g contains only 12 Kcal, if you are following a low-calorie diet this vegetable is for you.
So let's cook this dish, what you'll need is:
- 12 medium zucchini flowers
- corn flour
- grape seeds oil or sunflower oil
For the filling
- 150 gr firm tofu
- 1 king oyster mushroom
- young onion ( to taste )
- a pinch of salt
- a drop of tamari sauce
Preheat oven 180°
First of all let's cleanse the flowers: remove the lateral excrescences, at the base of the flower itself. Cut the stem at the base. Gently open the flower and remove the pistil. Then rinse the flowers under running water, gently massaging them and put it to dry on a clean cloth.
Now it's time to prepare the filling: With a stick blender reduce the tofu in a puree, cut the muschrooms, added to the tofu and blend some pieces of it, then pour the young onion, the salt and the tamari sauce.
Mix the ingredients and with the help of a sac à poche fill the zucchini flowers one at a time. line a baking tray with baking paper, place the flowers and sprinkle first some corn flour, afterwards some grape seeds or sunflower oil.
Cook in the oven 15"-20"
#vegan #vegetarian #zucchiniflowers #tofu #healthyfoodcookmarket #healthy #foodidea #picoftheday #organic #organicfood