It is not winter without a pumpkin, Hokkaydo pumpkin mousse !! Let you steal from the delicate and smooth flavor of this dish. A steamed Hokkaydo pumpkin, mixed with tempeh or, in alternative, with a natual soy yogurt (if you are intolerant to soy, feel free to select a goat yogurt, or whatever you prefer most for your health!), Chives, soy sauce, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, grape seeds oil, salt.
- 200 g hokkaido pumpkin puree
- 80g steamed tempeh
- pink salt to taste
- 2 tsp grape seeds oil
- a handful of chives
- 1 tsp light soy sauce ( otional )
- 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
Wash and peel the pumpkin, steamed and reduce to a puree with a hand blender. Steamed the tempeh for 10', blend it, mix with the hokkaido puree and blend it again, together. Add the salt and oil, chives, soy sauce, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir well, until the ingredients will be well combined. Serve immediately.

#hokkaydopumpkin #hokkaydopumpkinsoup #tempeh #steam #cinnamonandnutmeg #creamy #smooth #saltymousse #healthy #london #nottinghill #healthyfoodcookmarket

Green soup it's a unique way to detoxify your body, and you have tons of alternatives and mix and match veggies you can opt for. Today mine have been with courgette, cucumber and cauliflower, AMAZING!!!!!
I know, it'sonly a soup but, what a soup :D delicate, smooth, so healthy, fresh and detox!!!! If you want eat this dish and you are not in your detox rules, accompained the soup with a cottage cheese or, for the vegan option, prepare your own with tofu, and a slice of parsnip bread!!! parsnip bread??!!! yes, of course dear, this will be the next recipe ;)
- 50 gr courgette
- 50gr cucumber
- 100gr cauliflower
- a handful of fresh basil
- 1 tsp flax seeds
- 1 tsp sunflower seeds
- 1 tsp grape seeds oil
- pink salt to taste
Cut, rinse and cook in water on a medium heat the veggies, until tender. When they will be cooked leave in the pan circa 450ml of water. Use a hand blender to reduce all the veggies in a cream, add the remaining ingredients, exept for the seeds, and blend again, until smooth and creamy. Now sprinkle the seeds on top, another drizzle of oil, fresh basil, and eat your Detoxifying recipe.

#greensoup #greendetox #soup #vegan #vegetarian #seeds #healthy #veggiesoup #healthyfoodcookmarket #london #nottinghill